with Cedar Rivers
*** Please observe any uneasiness that may arise when reading this content. Take what works for you and leave the rest. I have written it with the loving intention to aid you with information and possible events that you may experience in the future. ***
As events in our world and solar system heat up, it seems inevitable that even more damaging happenings, perhaps including cosmic influences, will soon become evident. Destructive events on Earth are well known, ranging from human apathy, civil unrest, lies and misinformation, failure of world governments, invasions, wars, nuclear accidents, degradation of the environment, food and water shortages, under-tested vaccines, economic collapse in many countries, hyperinflation, pollution, depravity, interference by malevolent beings, evil use of artificial intelligence, extreme weather, asteroids, solar activity, possible micro nova etc.
Some of the powerful boys in charge are desperate to assert their 'superiority' with deadly 'toys' aided by the evil Cabal and malevolent extraterrestrials who have given certain 'livestock', resources and regions to participating 'leaders'.
BUT, they haven't reckoned on you and me strengthening our connection to Source and asserting our power and our God-given right to personal freedom, superconsciousness and evolution.
Have YOU Considered Cooperation and Intervention by Extraterrestrial Beings?
Extraterrestrial, Hybrid, Inner-Earth and Inter-dimensional races of goodwill follow the Cosmic Law of Non-Interference. They may intervene and remove us to their craft, safe place or even planet of our choice if there is a likelihood of immense destruction to life on Earth. But first, we must prepare and extend the invitation to them.
If this is on your radar, how have you prepared for such an eventuality? Of course, this may all seem like an overdramatic possibility for some. Nevertheless, escalating global events and cosmic activity make it very likely.
Stay or Go?
Would you stay on Earth or go by choosing to be lifted off if invited to spacecraft and even taken to other planetary systems and cultures? Why?
Cedar's Tips to Train Your Brain for Those Who Would Go With ETs, Hybrids, IDs
- See YOURSELF as a responsible participant as ET contact and intervention takes place
- Have you seen or already been uplifted into a spacecraft/s?
- Mingle with contactees and delve deeply. Educate others in your unique way
- Do you already have connections to Star People and Star Nations, and if so, how do you best share your knowledge?
- Research writings/videos of well-known experiencers to broaden your range of possibilities
- Study ET cultures and protocols as if you were travelling to a different culture on Earth
- Familiarise yourself with knowledge of all manner of humanoid and other ETs, inside layout of spacecraft and technologies
- Consider googling images, reputable UFO researchers and groups, ET experiencers, books
- Perfect your physical/emotional/mental balance, wishes, cooperation and heart-centredness
- Set your intentions for how you will be as calm and as helpful an evacuee as possible
- Take extreme care in how you present and prepare loved ones for the possibility of lift-off
- Respect loved one's wishes if they are disinterested. Discernment is key. It's THEIR journey
- Take sensible self-responsibility rather than be alarmed by or following outside influencers
- Co-create with your Guides. I work with numerous ET Guides, Interdimensionals, Orbs, Frequencies and Loved Ones in Spirit
- Further your knowledge of Personal Awakening, Cosmic Consciousness and Becoming a Galactic Human
- Identify WHY you would like to be lifted if given the opportunity
- If you were told you have 3 minutes before lift-off by ET, what would you do?
- Be aware that many people will be unprepared and possibly in terror and highly emotional
- Have you considered how prepared you would be to leave your loved ones, pets and belongings behind if it meant your survival and likely return at a later time?
- Are you doing anything to lighten up and prepare your body and energy system for unfamiliar terrain?
- Train yourself not to collapse in fear and extreme emotionality
- Be respectful and well-considered when asking questions and engaging with Way-Showers
- Study and train for 'beyond time' realities. Mindfulness
- What you think forms almost instantly in 'beyond time' 4D reality
- Do you believe you have a role in humanity's and Earth's transition in collaboration with Star People? If so, what role?
- What are your special interests and skills that will be helpful during these events?
- Will you be the best leader or team player you possibly can?
- What questions would you ask our Star Brothers and Sisters about how you can best adjust to your new life off world?
- How would you adapt to using off-world technology, including new forms of movement, nutrition, communication, healing and privacy?
- Who in your research and experience are the most trustworthy leaders in the field?
- Are you open and enthusiastic about assisting humans awakening to their True Selves?
We are transitioning into a new human species from homo sapiens to what I refer to as homo-luminous - the co-creators of the New Earth. This article is just a glimpse into one possibility for the future that I'm working towards, and I wonder, is it yet time for more of us to reveal who we are? Those who do may discover more kin prior to the upcoming events.
I'd love your feedback, experiences, and comments on any of the areas touched upon here if you care to share.
Thank you for reading, and let's go forward with empathy, courage and enthusiasm in the spirit of discovery and co-creation of a much better, more loving and fairer world.
- Cedar
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