Liza Watts: This is a lovely one Seeds :)
Did you also notice that it has a pair? The latest crop circle is close to the Berlin Wall in West Berlin. The earlier crop circle is just on the other side of the wall in East Berlin.
The first crop circle (15 May 2016) looks like a toroid with six crescent moon shaped petals.
The second crop circle (12 June 2016) has a smaller version of the first crop circle in its centre, with lovely loop shapes swirling outwards.
If the six petals represent six lunar months after each crop circle, the first one would be pointing to the new moon of 30 Oct 2016, and the second one would be pointing to the new moon of 29 Nov 2016.
If the size of the crescent represents three or four days after the new moon, then the dates would be 2/3 Nov 2016 and the 2/3 Dec 2016.
To me, the energy of the two crop circles implies a leap from East to West Berlin - from a restricted state to a place of freedom.
On my lunisolar calendar, the second date, 2/3 Dec 2016 is significant. It is the third day of the final month of the sixth year - the day of the resurrection of the Temple (Ezra 6).
To me, it is a time when our embodied spirits lift and blend into the higher consciousness within the newly resurrected 'Temple'. As usual, it will initiate a subtle but profound shift in our perception.
(Our physical aspect (on a cellular level) will soon follow - two signs show me that it will be in late September 2017.)
So together these two crop circles show me that we move from a constricted state to a state of flowing higher consciousness in Dec 2016.
I'm hoping that it will become easier and easier to share my feelings of peacefulness and interconnectedness with those around me (shown by the billowing, flowing energies around the second crop circle)
Cedar Rivers: Pure genius Liza Watts. Awesome catch. Thank you so much for sharing your astute observations and analysis, thoughts and feelings here. The Berlin Wall is an appropriate metaphor! Your dates in 2016 and 2017 dovetail with my intuition about the awakening process, which I feel will be subtle for some and mammoth in unimaginable ways for others. These inner changes will make demands on ourselves and all those around us.
I’m encouraging everyone to familiarise themselves with awakenings such as kundalini rising and seeing flashes and all manner of ‘invisible’ high frequency beings that occupy our spaces with us. I’ve left a trail of good videos and blurbs on my blog. So too, a possible gradual or spontaneous ability to access the akashic records of Earth and Cosmos - with surprises in store.
My concern is that many might not feel capable of midwifing themselves and others through these massive changes. My mantra to folks is ‘DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF’ for obvious reasons. Patience will be appreciated, as it may look to some that loved ones are having psychotic episodes, so thoughtfulness in holding the line for others may be required.
I’m certainly experiencing heightening and profound awareness, and while my body sometimes groans, I pay attention by resting and having frequent bodywork and baths. I clearly remember the energies around the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 when I simply had to surrender to crashing tiredness, so I rested and napped, and later discovered I was changed forever in a great way. These energies feel HC squared :)
I’m spending much less time on Facebook as I feel I’ve said all I can say - and I need the time to walk my own preparedness talk, and help midwife family, friends and clients. It’s all beyond exciting! I’ll put your analysis on my blog for my readers there Liza. Thanks again. Please stay in touch through your process and let me know if there’s any way I can assist.