‘When we speak of the Emerald Gateway, we refer to the time portal or 'period of time' you are now experiencing. This began around July 21st 2017 and will continue through the August 7th Full Moon into the August 8th Lion's Gate, continuing through to the August 21st Eclipse and begin to close between August 23rd and 27th.’ | The theme for August 2017 is RE-EVALUATION / RESET - Lena Stevens |
How a Man Witnessed The Coming Shift - The New Earth
Gary: Our ego. Greed.
Many are blind here?
Gary: Yes.
Alba: Blind to what?
Gary: Their full potential.
What’s happening?
Gary: The auras around the earth. Many are focusing on the new earth.
God seeks companions not followers. Creator is … It is in each of us to look within at any time of your choosing. You need only seek the Creator. Look within.
Meditate. You must learn to create your own radiant being. The stronger the spin, vibrational spin …
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