I've stressed the importance of living in the present and the need for constant preparation including doing our Equinox Dreaming for excellent reasons as you know if you have been following the breadcrumbs here on my blog and elswhere.
Everyone with an ear to the spiralling of the cycles and what they might bring is fully aware of the current energies and solar energies that are bathing and recoding all life on Earth. It appears this is a first in our galactic history and it will affect everything in our solar system.
Dates for the major activities are not possible to give though sensitive and observant people will feel the energies here and more approaching. It feels imminent to me. By now you will have prepared yourselves as best you can physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically and spiritually for this eventuality and how the energies might impact your life and the life of your beloveds and others.
Imagine If You Will
Our Sun, like God, is a sentient being
Our Earth, like Goddess, is a sentient being
Millions on Earth are sentient beings, and some without souls are not
Our Sun is a living portal - an open gateway to galaxies beyond galaxies
Conscious Cosmic Energies and Light gathering at the galactic core
Massive flares of Light and Energies pulsing through Our Sun
Witnessing the geometry in everything and pulsating light codes
Choose. Birthing comes either of stress or conscious cooperation or both
Effective ways of dealing with ascension symptoms and swift awakening
Darkness disappearing from Planet Earth over time
Vibrational solar light eradicating darkness on Earth
Evolution of human consciousness
Unity replacing duality
The confusion that comes of living in a new reality and ways of adjusting
Grid systems failing for a time - power, internet, transportation, etc
How you and the people around you deal with unresolved trauma
What might we expect during and immediately after The Event/s
Some familiar people fading and disappearing from your life
Escalating challenges of weather and water events
Your new and imaginative creations
Yourself as a fully awakened and liberated person
The Real Truth of Life as Most Have Not Known It
.... to be continued ~ Cedar
Every Cell In Our Body Is Being Re-Wired - Everything on Earth Is Solar Powered
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