Those fortunate to have a conducive home situation and the financial means may well have chosen this corona era as a time to go within to transform themselves both consciously and creatively. The seers, psychics, and astrologers say the time is ripe for transparency for everything hidden. Some require acknowledgement and development of unrecognised talents on the one side and exposure and justice for those secretly involved in criminal and depraved behaviour on the other.
Now, after seven months and regardless of the stage of change we may be in, it seems more chaos may be looming to yet again demand that we assess our situation and the positions of our loved ones so we can make informed new decisions. Conditions will markedly change at least for the next two years and quite possibly for the entire decade.
What to do? Your choices at this stage will determine this next phase of your life.
Here are some of my suggestions for your consideration:
- Take a risk
- Play and have fun
- Reinvent yourself
- Do what excites you
- Start something new
- Congratulate yourself!
- Identify what more you can give
- Reveal who you are at your core
- Don't miss an opportunity to love
- Seek to enjoy silent periods every day
- Tend to your beauty and food gardens
- Simplify and keep your living space clean
- Ascertain how you are spending your time
- Sell or give away everything no longer wanted
- Identify broken systems
- Invent or co-create innovative new systems
- Psychologically disengage from broken systems
- Work towards liberating yourself from broken systems
- Anchor the New Earth with every thought and action
- Reach for the stars
- Your ideas go here
The gift of new life. Deep stillness and presence are required when transforming at this magnitude. Your physical body and energy body are merging with your light body. As this occurs, we open to the all-knowing of the All. What you do with your reinvented self is your free will choice. | The caterpillar (old self) spins a cocoon or sanctuary of safety. We too can choose to cocoon ourselves in our aura, Merkabah or Spirit Orb which is a supreme carrier for your Soul. While transforming, we turn to mush before becoming our glorious new selves. As we emerge from our cocoon and give birth to our latest creation, please remember to take time to dry off your wings to gain maximum strength before taking flight. |