Randi Green has an enlightening series of videos on youtube and vimeo along with books and course materials on her website The SETAH Initiative
Soft Disclosure: In her video (below) of a healing session ‘Working with the Dead Reptilian on my Table - Tall Whites’ Randi discusses the dissection of a reptilian entity removed from a client. Perhaps disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrials will take different forms to those we might imagine.
Whether you are just coming into awareness of your own Spiritual Awakening or have been consciously involved in your Ascension Journey for many years, we have something for every phase to assist you with expediting your expansion and Multi-Dimensional Mastery and Soul Embodiment process now. From free to courses to in-depth one-on-one catalyzing work, you get to choose! For how you experience your journey is totally up to you! We are here to guide, teach (re-educate) and assist for those who are ready! So jump in, explore and utilize every navigational tool that we share. We make all available and provide you with huge Quantum opportunities to JUMP a little bit or huge. We speak directly to your own soul and multi-dimensional aspects. You will be drawn/feel it when it's your time to incorporate these simple Navigation and Mastery tools into your flow too!
‘Back in the 1980s, Chet Snow and Helen Wambach published a book called Mass Dreams of the Future. Wambach used "future progression hypnosis" to gather info about the future, and Chet Snow was one of her best subjects. He saw a series of visions leading up to what sounds to me like a pole shift. He dated that event to 1998, which obviously has already passed. However, Snow believed in Edgar Cayce, who predicted the pole shift for 1998, which might have tainted Snow's visions. Or, perhaps, the timelines themselves have changed since Cayce, and the events will simply happen later.’ I suggest you disregard the dates given and trust your own instinct if this information resonates. Read article here >>>