If you live in a region or country where leadership pursues programs beneficial for their citizens, then you are fortunate indeed. Visionary, mature and wise leadership is thin on the ground, so it's essential to support and give gratitude to those leaders who have helped create and enable functional and wholesome lifestyles for you and yours.
11-11-2020 Update: Elections? The Great Reset? The Perfect Storm... for change? I urge you to listen closely to Penny Kelly's visions highlighting where humanity is now and likely to be in the near, immediate and far future. While Penny primarily focuses on the US, the information is relevant for everyone, wherever we live in the world.
- Example: Penny highlights the growing misery of the horrendous floods in China. We must think through the ramifications brought about by the plight of millions of their people - Where will they live? Who will feed them? Who will attend their needs? Where will they work? What countries will they relocate to when they have no food and are completely flooded out of their towns and cities? Yours?
- Those old enough to remember the great depression understand the hardships of foreclosure, lack of food, relocation, searching for jobs, searching for hope, and the basic human needs of food, water and housing to sustain themselves and their families.
- Example: In my country of Australia the airwaves have been filled for days with constant discussion and assessment of how senior politicians get their jollies and where they put their penises, the 'bonk ban', their misogyny and homophobia; how the government can rip more coal and gas from the ground to make more billions of dollars with no mind to the destruction of the land, livelihoods, waterways, pollution etc. Politicians and journalists are paid to pursue THESE issues!
Government systems are broken
- Example: Australia could be feeding large numbers of the world population if the government was enlightened and put plans in place to re-train her citizens in the most pressing issues of food production - farming, gardening, manufacturing, distribution, trade, humanitarianism. Food prices are rising, the shelves are emptying, and the food crisis has scarcely begun. These types of examples are repeated all over the world. Please don't leave the decision-making for now and the future to your governments. Government systems are broken.
- We must be self-governing and organise Councils of Wise Ones to get working immediately on pragmatic solutions. Some other critical areas are excellent parenting, child and relationship development, education, meaningful work, allopathic and natural healing, renewables, housing, practical skills-building, restoration of the environment, civil-in-every-way-security, peace-keeping, and expansion of consciousness.
I'd like to see urgent plans, programs and funding - here is a smattering of my suggestions for where we can either begin or further develop:
- Support and re-training in farming and gardening, sharing tools, machinery
- Employ experts/elderly to teach how to grow food as our grandparents did
- New industries to manufacture products from the abundance of produce
- To install renewables, thermal in communities and households for power
- Redirect military spending to life-affirming projects
- Quadrupling the size of our home food gardens - supplying seedlings, tools etc
- Expanded training in emergency services, health carers, death doulas, palliative care
- Psychologists to assist in mental health, suicide prevention, stopping domestic violence
- Effective repurposing of vacant government, church and investment properties
- Exchange programs such as labour for rent etc at four hours a day four days a week
- Urgent climate action and restoration of rivers, forests, soil, land and water management
- Community programs for planting millions of fruit and nut trees, native trees and bushes
- Release suppressed technology for power, health, vehicles, food, communications etc
* VISION for NOW and the FUTURE *