Even if intuitive guidance is not your way, I encourage everyone and Australians, in particular, to put aside their current views for just an hour to listen to Amanda and her Guide Metatron's guidance. Would you please keep an open mind and open fresh ears to receive her suggestions for positive ways forward into the future? Then, after listening deeply, you can again pick up your present beliefs and actions if they serve and progress you. Otherwise, be courageous and imaginative enough to make clear and empowered changes. | |
Brief Outline of Amanda's Presentation Other voices have wisdom to share. Where is the Divine Feminine? It's not here Masculine energy is holding onto all the gold Masculine energy doubled down on the people Need to find your oomph as a country The wave of awakening cannot be stopped The spotlight is on the virus and nothing else The power needs to come back to the people There needs to be a change of course Be open to new ideas - the best-case scenario Learn from each other Truckies Strike Truckies for families, businesses, communities Red line in the sand. Text-book case They are going to create a necessary storm Could they bring the government down? Choose wisely. Be discerning | Some maintain the 'cures' have been worse than the disease. While governments and media focus almost exclusively on covid19 numbers, deaths and vaccinations, little if any focus is given to the results of governments decision making and loss of freedom. Examples include little reporting of recoveries, the rising stress and anxiety, sleep disorders, suicides, domestic violence, rape, child abuse, lack of education, loss of jobs and businesses, side effects of the vaccines, family and friendship rifts, cost to taxpayers, addiction and mental health problems, harms for delayed treatment of other disorders, increased police divisiveness and violence, increased surveillance and invasion of personal privacy, and feelings of hopelessness. |