The divide in Australian society is tragically widening to a gaping chasm. Currently, #IStandWithTruckies on August 31st was trending on Twitter in support of national strikes against mandatory vaccinations and hassles over border closures. The ramifications of Australia soon coming to a halt are too daunting to imagine. An obvious necessity would be to stock up on food and other essentials if possible.
This inefficient, ultra-conservative LNP Federal Government was elected again in 2019 on lies and the manipulation of news and information by the Murdoch Empire, aided and abetted by the support and bribes by some self-serving far-right minor parties and bureaucrats.
ABCTV 4Corners examines Murdoch's Fox News tonight at 8.30, which is just one slice of NewsCorp's immense influence on who runs the world and how various billionaires own certain politicians and bureaucrats.
As systems collapse, we citizens must build new functional organisations. Creative imagination, thoughtfulness, kindness, wisdom, mediation, initiative and action will help us get through these troubling times.
Now is the time for a giant and savvy leap forward or eventual collapse into unimaginable suffering. Many in parts of the world are already experiencing such devastation with no obvious ways out.