Influencers and suspicious blamers such as David Icke, Max Igan, and a gaggle of charismatic young and/or anonymous presenters arrogantly demand WE ‘Wake Up’ to their way of thinking. They work tirelessly to point out the flaws in the current systems and leadership.
No genuinely awakened person would ever be so pompous as to demand others to 'Wake Up' to their conspiracies even 'IF' partly right. Rarely do armchair critics offer workable solutions - disruption isn't a solution - or put any effort at all into drafting new plans with objectives and personnel to establish life-affirming alternatives. It’s all too easy, nay, lazy to merely criticise, shred, dismantle and gossip because that gets the endorphins firing by satisfying the perceived superiority of their membership in 'The In-Crowd'.
Genuine Wayshowers inspire and uplift me by their example of walking their talk. Their authenticity and caring registers on my 'Discernment Radar' - it's a warm, clean, joyful, positive feeling thing. I find it interesting that there are only two politicians, no journalists or conspiracy theorists among them.
Some include Penny Kelly, Emery Smith, George Noory, Randy Cramer, Eleana, Jasmuheen, Deva Premal and Miten, Pam Gregory, David Attenborough, Sadhguru, Solara, Chris Hooper, Donna Lopez, Michael Tellinger, Amanda Ellis, Jacinta Adern, Joe Rogan, and Todd Medina. While my superstars may point out the flaws they roll up their sleeves and work tirelessly to offer viable new approaches, systems, projects and lifestyles.
I'm aware that my list will trigger some readers, and I ask you - who are your influencers and WHY do you think as you do?
Would YOU please identify your superstars as in Visionaries, Project Managers, Wayshowers and Lightbearers who inspire you into positive action and help you uncover more of your True Self and reasons for Being.