Awakening Symptoms - The Path is Diverging Before Our Eyes

Some years ago I wrote, and included a collation of points from other visionaries, a comprehensive list of possible symptoms that we might experience as we transform our energies from 3D density into a finer vibrational form. This article has been reproduced on many other websites which I’m very pleased about as it helps with understanding just what we’re experiencing as a species as so clearly illustrated in Alex Grey’s wonderful painting ‘Transfiguration’.
Of course our bodies and emotions can feel battered at times and it’s essential that you take good care of yourself and your loved ones as we traverse the changes. We are literally midwifing ourselves and each other into the New Human - Homo Luminous.
14. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and some people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so much better.
If this is happening for you - delve deep and decide whether you wish to stay, formally complete or just quietly let them go. Hold them in love and kindness and honour their journey - and continue on your own unique path of discovery.
As time is collapsing it is not to be wasted on those insistent on staying stuck and whining their conspiracies, struggles and negative agendas.
My personal ‘formula’ is simple:
- Are our communications clear and honest?
- Can I feel the love and kindness?
- Is there mutual interest? Do they ASK questions?
- Do our interactions support and evolve us?
- Are we essentially on the same page?
- Passion for assisting Mother Earth and humanity?
- Are we having fun?
Prediction: It’s quite possible that by the end of 2017 at least 80% on your Kindred Star will have changed. Please keep your Clarity Book and Folder so you can check in again then.
Dr Simon Atkins
Simon has a vast array of skills that you may research - climate scientist, family man, friend, wholistic healer, clairvoyant, global economist, and visionary among many other big picture talents. He walks his talk by assiduously following the suggestions of his research and intuition. He was guided to leave USA and chose to settle in Uruguay where he and his family are building their own eco-friendly home.
Dr Simon Atkins on
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