BALANCE in all things is how we'll navigate this transformative time - of unknown duration. I'm feeling out of sorts due to the escalation of violence in the air and on the streets - added to the intense energies being emitted from the Sun.
I referred to this period in my meme '2:2:2022 - 22:2:2022 bookends 3 weeks of immense transformation. Please REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE amidst the turmoil and noise.
If you're also feeling wobbly, please attend to the things that bring you back to calm and centredness ... baths, breathing, meditation, exercise, Nature, therapy, nutritious food, lots of pure water etc.
Watch your mind and mind your psychological health as the Sun's energies increase. Track your inner changes. I feel we're making marvellous progress. Hang in there. I choose to focus on well-being, balance, bliss, beauty, consciousness and love.
Gently Bentley