'The Family' Doco on Netflix
It’s not about faith. It’s about power. The Family explores the history of a quietly powerful religious organisation with strong ties to worldwide politics.
Jeff Sharlet, an insider skilfully reveals the real so-called 'Christian' power brokers above politicians and why the world has gone ultra-conservative 'in the name of Jesus'. He investigates the intentionally invisible reach of The Family to control the most influential people in almost every country on Earth.
I remember being appalled when George Bush claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, thereby slaughtering millions and destroying their homes and livelihoods.
The bible is old propaganda written in far different times from millennia ago by unenlightened men about the teachings of one who by all accounts may well have been enlightened.
Awakening Ones are breaking through to the True Reality so we must be very savvy about where we put our energies. Time is precious. Courage is needed. Intelligence is key. Imagination is creative. Levity is crucial. Wisdom is essential. Love is the glue.