The ignorant stunts and malformed policies by certain narrow-minded elected officials and the open racism, misogyny, and opportunism keep this dysfunctional outmoded style of competitive bloodletting alive. I refuse to give it any more energy. I recognise that individuals only change from within and when they're ripe to do so. Federal politics has become a pathetic pantomime, and the media, social media and airwaves give the stupid antics of the asinine few continuous attention on a propaganda driven loop. Of course, they must be called out yet the focus on negatives detracts from real governance and only serves to provide the low-frequency perpetrators with the constant attention upon which they thrive.
Far too many so-called leaders are horrible role models for our children and young people. For some time I've been promoting those hard-working politicians who actually govern with innovation and wisdom for this country and the global community. Nevertheless, I'm now in the process of unfollowing all politicians and political commentators on Twitter and will no longer comment on such politics on my blog.
I choose to live by honouring the Cosmic Laws that support the fundamental principle of the existence of Cosmic Consciousness. I've found many of the man-made religious laws cruel, elitist and hypocritical. The Cosmic Law of Attraction recognises that we attract whatever we give energy to, ie, our appreciation or ridicule will make it grow.
From today also, I choose not to read or even gloss any Murdoch publications that push the narrow narrative of far-right conservatives, profit-driven corporations and consumerism.
As a political person from a young age, these decisions are no small matter for me, though I recognise that time is such a valuable commodity so it's vital to use it wisely. Those committed to co-creating a better way know that whatever we focus on multiplies and so we reject the broken systems that are beyond fixing and are creating alternate new methods that have farsightedness, equality, collaboration and wise leadership as their foundation. Each one of us needs to be consciously aware and very selective about who and what we give our energies to in this increasingly changing world.