NO ONE ELSE will matter during this period. YOUR sense of Self will be naked to your vision. You will be fearful. Both these will pass, slowly. You WILL regret that aspect of it. You'll see. The normies will be rocked to their core. They may lash out in deep anger and despair. Be advised. Don't take it personally.
By the time we get to June, you will be able to look to each side of you, and see many new faces out in the Woo. That alone will be very comforting. This will be a very tumultuous time for many years as we all build a new consensus reality. To aid your testing, YOU will need to address your body and mind issues. Support your body in order to calm your mind. Things like 'grounding', exercise, and incense, and meditation, WILL aid. Prepare your mind now. Many people will not make this transition over these next 18 months.
The Hard Test goes from February through to mid June. Then there is a pause that lasts about 5 weeks, but during that time, many new points of energy (action/motion/contention/decisions) will emerge.
From the Hard Test, we will all take stock of where we are at, and then we begin The Walk Uphill. That will last through the rest of Summer, and into Fall. Then from mid Fall through Winter, and into the Spring of 2028, we will be in a state of Working Both Directions Simultaneously. This is when we are creating the Future via our collective narradigm construction, while we are intently digging up the past. For many years, each part will intrude on the other.
As we examine our past, discovering what was hidden, each item found will alter the shape of the Future we are creating. It will be a very exciting time. There will be much activity as Progress, long held in abeyance by the ELohim worship cult, is freed as we slash the ropes that bind our minds and visions to their false reality. We are going to build SciFi World. True victory is victory over self. Masa Katsu Agatsu. Universe provides and guides. Only the strong can be compassionate.'
Amjad Abedi: 'We are moving into unknown territory. But will overcome all their obstacles. For we, children of truth, have withdrawn our consent. That's why they’ve already failed. We are the scouts. We set up camp in our hearts. Where they have no access. Victory is certain. And not far off. Patience and endurance, dear friends. Be proud of your resistance. Proud of your light. Proud of your courage. Proud of yourselves. Victory belongs to the persistent. Who don't let themselves be dictated to. Your determination is stronger than their blackmail. Your sense of cooperation more secure than their attempt to divide. Your heartfelt intelligence more alert than their mental ravings. They are the dinosaurs of the decaying past. You are the future. The settlers of the new age. If you can smile in the face of threats. If you can hang peace on your heart like a garland in the face of storytellers. If you can see through darkness with your faith. Then you are an elusive element. A settler in spirit. Free from the tutelage of States and circumstances. The pyramid is collapsing. Propaganda will end. Massive changes. Death for rebirth. Everything will fall into place. You'll be free. Be at peace. Be sure of the bright outcome. Turn within. Put down the old baggage. The doors of the new era will only open to the light hearted.
Pars Kutay: WE Are Currently EVOLVING into a Magnificent NEW VERSION of our SELVES