Here are some of my responses about the double black lines - another first:
These lines appeared when I and others were sleepless last night. I feel the lines reflect/demonstrate a pause and restart. Lots of old gunky memories being released. Catch and release. Hold highest vision for self, loved ones and planet. Rinse and repeat. I’m excited for us! Anything and everything is possible if we keep honing our vision of our juiciest life and service.
Emotions are having a hard time of it for may of us. No wonder. Sometimes I get a glimpse of the magnitude of the transformation we are undergoing. I've made significant life decisions only to change them in midstream to even better/updated scenarios, and I imagine I'll keep modifying my ideal life.
I sleep when I can now - the olden nights of 7 hours is pretty much a thing of the past. I'm happy now as long as I get my REM sleep. The Great Shift is well and truly in progress and I feel it will continue for some years with more massive upgrades this month through to the June Solstice on the 21st.
What do YOU all do in this wakefulness? I used to get frustrated. Now, I listen to podcasts, watch YouTubes, meditate and scan my changes.
I'm so sorry to hear so many are in awful pain. If that's YOU do you have a great massage therapist? Mine is BRILLIANT and when my head hurts she realigns my entire body and adjust the plates in my skull - they keep drifting. I have a permanent fortnightly booking with her as I reckon bodywork is essential during these times.
I saw the black tracks like 'pausing' a video then pressing play again - though when we did so, a new movie began.
Around 3am this morning I went outside to look at the night sky as I not only felt Pleiadian craft - it seems like all manner of benevolent cosmic allies are here - some to help and others to observe these miracles we're creating.
Michael Love channelled message from the Pleiadians. I resonate with Michael's version of turning reality OFF - it's good to have forewarning that the hertz will rise from 40 to 100... It has been 90 Hz at various stages during these past months.
The Schumann Resonance