While millions, if not billions, of innocent people continue to suffer horribly, the evil actions of these malevolent forces are also affecting Mother Earth, our precious and irreplaceable planet, as well as all living beings on her.
For those with good intentions, it is obvious that a fundamental and transformative change is needed. Are you ready to embrace this change? I certainly am, and do my best. I encourage you to share your ideas for workable solutions with your networks. By elevating the substance of our conversations, we enable collective shift in our hearts, minds and lives. Every idea and every positive action, no matter how small or large, is important. If we raise our standards, abandon negativity, apathy and divisive talk in our homes and communities, and reject the competitive nature of politics that fuels conflict, we may have a chance to enjoy the abundant wonders that Mother Earth so generously offers us.
You know that I am constantly posting my suggestions for a kinder way of being so that we can co-create a much needed 'new' earth. Another proposal close to my heart relates to my awareness that no single man or woman can possibly lead a country effectively and peacefully. For example, it is tragic that the two contenders for the presidency in the most powerful and influential nation on earth are highly questionable role models, one of whom is facing 91 indictments and maligns his fellow candidates and the opposition alike. Is this really the best we can do? At the same time, the world seems consumed by the question: Where is Kate? The cruel gossip far outweighs any compassionate caring for an ailing woman in a troubled establishment. So sad.
These are some of the reasons that have motivated me to propose radical changes in the way governments function. In a democracy, the front benches should ideally function as a co-operative 'round table' and not as a platform for power struggles. Unfortunately, among the 195 countries, I cannot name a single one where this is currently the case. Therefore, I propose the establishment of a council of thirteen wise women and men to govern. This approach would eliminate the need for costly and corrupt election campaigns and ineffective party politics. Here's to the Dreamers!
It is important to recognise that fights lead to more fights, wars lead to more wars, and gossip leads to toxic outcomes. Revolutions are already underway in many areas, and in some countries, states may soon secede and seek independence. However, it is crucial that any change we seek is peaceful. We need to offer and implement smarter and better plans that promote kindness, love and wisdom in our everyday life.
Our dreams can become reality, but we cannot entrust the responsibility for change solely to so many inadequate politicians and deeply flawed systems. I encourage everyone to formulate your own suggestions, advocate for your beliefs and take action to bring about the positive change you want to see in your communities and beyond. I thank those who are already doing this, for your influence reaches far beyond our precious planet.
- Cedar
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