My Solstice and Festive Season suggestion to all is to clarify the THREE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS you wish to establish for yourself and focus on them in positive ways, by way of solutions. Plan the finest details and use these intense Cosmic Waves of Energy to fuel your manifestations. Please stay lighthearted, self-responsible, and finely focussed throughout the rest of the year and into 2017.
Build in time for rest, swimming, baths, laughter, walking, silence, contemplation and meditation. Protect yourself and loved ones from news of disastrous events in the outer world that are clearly designed to dampen your progress. Give to yourself and others with great joy, generosity, and presence. Let your wisdom shine. Wishing You All a Safe and Sacred Solstice ~ Cedar
Mini Checklist: Participants of Clarity for Life modules have prepared the following and more.
* Ascertained who are kindred/tribe, and how to nourish these friendships and responsibilities.
* Determined in detail what they want for the new season and beyond.
* Three weeks of clean water and nourishing food for all in their household, including pets.
* Have sufficient cash on hand to navigate through any emergency.
* Built their immune systems and fitness levels.
* Gardening and growing some or all of their own food; products and skills for bartering.
* Organised hard copy of contacts with all details, up-to-date Will, and important documents filed.
* Determined how to progress with relationships, career, interests and creativity.
* Skills in dealing with hardships and challenges. Discernment and not sweating the small stuff.
* Presence and presents. Personal organisation of beautiful celebrations to remember.
* Gratitude and generosity. Teachers and Mentors. What new skills are being developed?
* Having plenty of rest and sleep to integrate the strong new energies.