Adults who have not transitioned into maturity - the man-boy is not yet a man and is no longer a boy. I have coined the equal term woman-girl for the female who is not yet a woman yet no longer a girl.
There are many reasons for the prevalence of the man-boy and woman-girl in society that you may wish to consider - some obvious, others less so. The journey into adult maturity, wholeness, self-knowledge, wise one and sage is for another blog.
A Brief List of Some Likely Characteristics of the Man-Boy and Woman-Girl
- Underdeveloped empathy. Places own needs and interests first
- Unbalanced attitude to financial responsibility, fairness, and investments
- Seeks to be constantly entertained by others
- Chases orgasms, obsessed with sex
- May even be addicted to pornography, perverted and violent sex, incest or pedophilia
- May be secretive, dishonest, or frivolous with the truth
- May be emotionally, financially, or physically violent to partner and children
- Obsesses about another and/or insignificant issues
- Controlling, jealous, demanding, and game-playing in relationships
- May indulge in cyber-bullying and revealing private information on social media
- Rides ‘roughshod’ and shares, informs, and consults reluctantly
- Gossips and talks about trivial matters
- Makes promises with little follow-through or that they have no intention of keeping
- Blames and shames others for their own misfortune, failures, and self-loathing
- Judges others with derogatory attitudes and terms such as ‘un-awakened’, ‘sinner’, ‘sheeple’
- Reactive, screaming, pouting. Uses rage or toxic silence to control others and situations
Man-Boy and Woman-Girl in Leadership in Politics, Religion, and Business
As we examine those in leadership of many (most?) of the world’s countries we see that more often than not that those in the ruling inner circles fall into the categories of man-boy and woman-girl, having not yet reached full maturity as evidenced by their lack of compassion, humanity, wisdom, and personal awareness. Political leadership around the world is awash with nepotism, corruption, ego-gratification, rivalry, hostility, sexual harassment, and even murder.
As I write this Donald Trump has recently ordered the firing of 59 cruise missiles at a military target in Homs, Syria in so-called retaliation for what he and the US military say is Bashar al-Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons against their own civilians. This has the stench of the Cheney- Bush-Rumsfeld-Blair-Howard 2003 invasion of Iraq all over it.
In truth the US thrives on war and it’s spoils of resources, oil, minerals, and sales of weapons and the paraphernalia of warfare. They have no problem with sending healthy and wonderful men and women to carry out their murderous orders, then often neglect them when they return home emotionally, mentally and physically wrecked.
No-one else can grow the man-boy or woman-girl up.
They have to have the readiness and desire to do that themselves.