Chaotic times call for radical solutions and peaceful revolution. Australia must go back to the drawing board on fossil fuels and a raft of other issues from education, restoration of rivers and soil, food production, humanitarianism, animal welfare, wellbeing, pollution and the rebuilding of homes, livelihoods and communities when the fires eventually end. |
I am quoting Phillip Adams 'Australia: where the leaderless lead the leaden leaders' - Is there ONE among the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT who has and is showing initiative, support and leadership? Anyone from the front bench? Backbench? If there are, I've missed them. They're either holidaying, hopeless, at the cricket or partying. They are puppets of the corporations. No question. I'd like to see the Governor-General dissolve the current LNP government for their nepotism, incompetence and possible corruption.
Meanwhile, extraordinary professionals and Everyday Heroes fill our news with their courageous, compassionate and tireless work. They're exhausted and stressed yet they show up day after day, week after week, month after month. Among these experts and ordinary 'extraordinary' people, we will find the new inspiring leaders.
Perhaps thirty or so wise ones could form a Council of Elders to rule in unity with the ALP and Greens? We know the problems all too well. We must keep expressing our solutions. I'm certainly open to your practical ideas.
Everyday Heroes are changing the world with new inventions, new farming practices, new solutions to the climate emergency, and respectful coexistence with Nature. Talk among your friends. The Westminster system is obsolete and doesn't work. Let's find new ways. Our lives may depend on it.
We have the solutions and expertise to establish alternatives. Now we desperately need enlightened leadership to take over and develop entirely new laws and industries. I'm sure many of us have viable ideas.