Food production is a major need, and I've often encouraged householders to quadruple their herb, vegetable, and fruit patches. This may mean digging up the front and back yards, nature strips, council land, community gardens and creating vertical gardens on the balcony or hydroponics in the garage or spare room. Now I'm urging householders to add even more rows for the animals, birds, insects and other people.
Build more greenhouses and shade houses and learn or teach preserving, canning, drying and storing food. Save, swap and gift seeds as they are the new gold and silver. Drastic weather such as floods, fires, ice, hail, drought, hurricanes, and insect plagues are destroying crops and lack of workers to harvest ripe crops leave food rotting in the ground.
We must learn to work with the nature spirits and seasons and become respectful of where our sustenance and water comes from and treat all of Mother Earth's gifts with reverence. Please listen to Penny Kelly's Imagining a New Earth; What are we doing?' and listen beyond the words for how it may affect you, your loved ones and community and consider taking action today. | We all know the problems. Let's focus on sharing OUR #SOLUTIONS. I'd love a part of my legacy to be something like: 'Cedar encouraged everyone to take personal responsibility for their own nourishment in food, water, access to information, creativity, wellbeing and spiritual sustenance.' |
When covid circumstances demanded that I stop and rent an apartment, the first thing I did was plant herbs, tomatoes and greens in pots. It wasn't long before my tiny garden was flourishing. I was soon able to consume fresh food for my two daily meals - in pestos, salads, grazing, garnishes, steamed, wok cooking, juicing. I add handsful to pretty much everything I eat. My fledgling food garden is so simple and tiny compared to what I had - yet it's growing in more ways than one and it satisfies my motto of: JUST DO IT!!!