The USA has a Federal debt of over $30 trillion. The majority of expenditure goes to weaponry and covert military operations. A growing number of countries are so broke they cannot afford petrol, energy and food for their people, and when they can, the inflation is so high it makes purchasing necessities out of reach for many.
The magnitude of the difference between 1 million and 1 billion can be illustrated with this example of the time scale: - A million seconds is 12 days. - A billion seconds is 31 years. - A trillion seconds is 31,688 years This video was made over four years ago, so the US debt figure at $13 trillion as of July 2022 is over $30 trillion, but you can do the maths - it's close to a million years. Jeff puts it into perspective in this revealing video. | How much Federal debt is your country holding? I feel it's wise for individuals to have all their financial matters well in order by mid October. |
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