Droughts, storms, heat, fire, floods, hail, frost, freezing snow and ice conditions are decimating food production farms and transportation.
Wise people are joining the movement for self-sustainability and are growing food, have greenhouses to grow green leafy vegetables and herbs, mushroom production, etc. Backyard, frontyard, kerb, community, school and aged-care gardens. Study how Russia is setting the standard for organic food production.
Farmers producing animals for food would do well to consider vegetable, herb, nut and fruit crops instead.
Overeaters may consider a reduction in food intake and perhaps having two meals of vibrant wholesome food per day or every few days. Also, do ensure a clean water supply which is essential to radiant health. Don't wait for bare supermarket shelves. The writing has been on the wall for some time so no-one can say - 'We didn't know.'