Link to my book on Orbs and other Multidimensional Phenomena
The New Frontier: multidimensionality
‘On hot, hazy summer nights, fireflies take centre stage as they fly through the night air, punctuating the darkness with flecks of yellow light. Japanese photographer Tsuneaki Hiramatsu captured their beauty in a whole new light, using time-lapse photography. The result - lush images that show patterns of light that looks more like celestial figures than arthropods.’
Module 3 The Special Talents of the New Children and Young People will be posted early 2016. It is recommended that you complete Modules 1 and 2 before commencing 3.
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The Extreme Challenges of Overpopulation
Every human deserves the right to be able to fully explore their creativity and consciousness, in addition to having all their physical, emotional and financial needs met.
Surely among the solutions are sex education for everyone, family planning, well informed choice, conscious conception, and incentives to have smaller families.