What are the issues surrounding sexuality?
What really matters to living a well-rounded life?
Who and what are we becoming?
One of my readers on Facebook made an even better suggestion: "Thank you for sharing. I think when we can get past the HUMAN covering/label and identify with our SOUL, we no longer need labels."
Enhancing Your Current Relationship or Preparing for New Love
What Defines a Loving Relationship?
Penny Kelly and Daphnee have an enlightening conversation in 'Genders, Sexuality and Androgyny, Frequencies, Evolved Races'.
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| I'd encourage all my readers to do Penny's awesome guided imagery. Everything is energy. Penny clearly shows how the energy of the symbolism and words creates our reality in this realm. My messages from the visualisation were profound and clearly centred around my desire to become more conscious, to deepen in Nature, to do whatever I can to regenerate and rebuild myself, to be willing to leave everything I possess in 3D behind or evaporate, and to be creative with my imagination to help build a New Earth. |