'In the event of a Class X eruption in the next 12 hours, most forecasts indicate that the Carrington event will occur again, but likely on a larger scale and with significantly larger consequences for Earth’s inhabitants. The gigantic sunspot cluster AR3664 doubled its size overnight to 3,600 million km2. The region is now an unprecedented size of more than 7.2 billion km2, and is therefore nearly twice the size of the region where the Carrington event originated. The risk of X-calls has a whopping 75% chance depending on previous behaviour.' | |
The Earth Alliance: Major Solar Event Underway!
Great One,
As we head into another super galactic weekend, The Earth Alliance and the Ascension Guardians have entered high alert mode today as a major space weather situation is brewing where record solar energies will be impacting Earth over the next 24 hours.
The latest space weather intel indicates that at least six super massive CMEs started impacting Earth about an hour ago, and space weather instruments are off the charts already!
Giant sunspot AR3664 has produced a record number of powerful M and X-class flares over the last 5 days, as one super flare after another has blasted off the sun's surface.
A serious "cannibal CME" situation is underway right now, that could be larger than the Carrington Event of 1859. All of this combined energy is piling up and is either going to impact all at once or in one wave right after another. Either way, it will be a major impact of cosmic energy!
Solar winds are already above 700 km/s so this is supposed expected to approach 900 km per second about tomorrow.
Severe level geomagnetic storms are also predicted for tomorrow as Earth's magnetic field is being stretched way beyond its limit.
A heightened tectonic plate movement watch is underway globally.
Furthermore a strong Solar Proton Event is currently in Progress with an Elevated Status. There is an Increased risk of possible impacts on satellite operations. An increased presence of energetic particles are entering the atmosphere.
Most of humanity is not aware of the fact that The Grand Solar Flash is well overdue and indeed imminent. As a Starseed, you know the inside scoop and you watch and wait! Could this be the moment when everything changes in the blink of an eye?
Global Ascension symptom reports are high today as Starseeds of Earth get blasted with this record barrage of powerful cosmic light.
Let us know what ascension symptoms you are experiencing at this time. Godspeed, Michael and the Pleiadians
It seems that the Pleiadians are truly arriving today as the excitement builds!
Full energetic impact point is May 11th around noon!
Standby for ignition!
Michael and The Pleiadians