'Pain unattended descends into alienation, loneliness and eventually despair.
We want to encourage you to work your magic to heal pain - first your own; it begins with the basics, doesn't it? To recognise, acknowledge, forgive and change: to first recognise your pain, to acknowledge it, to forgive yourself, but then to work to heal your pain. Meditatively, give your pain dimension: how long, how wide, how deep is it? Give it a shape. What is the shape of your pain? Give that shape colour, and light as well. What's the colour of your pain? What's the light that emanates from your pain? Maybe not a pretty light, it's not a beautiful one, but it still has light. And give it sound. Listen to your pain. What's that sound like? Does it scream, with a high piercing sound? Does it moan? Is it loud or soft? Listen to it. And what's the scent of pain? Touch it, taste it, use your senses to give it dimension.
Once you do this, then give this pain in the shape you have given it to your Higher Self and Soul. The three of you can give it to God/Goddess/All That is, to the Divine then turn away. Maybe end your meditation for the day and allow the magic and healing to happen beyond your view; Allow God/Goddess/All That Is, your Higher Self and Soul to transmute your pain, to transform it into love.
At the opposite end of the continuum from pain is love. Let your pain be transformed and transmuted into love. The Goddess will give it to your Higher Self and Soul who will in turn give it back to you.'