It appears that a large portion of the global population is either too apathetic or unwilling to make the necessary changes to raise the consciousness of humanity to survive the mounting threats to life.
While Mother Earth currently has many diverse civilisations, what is the likelihood of the demise of modern humans such as occurred to the ancient Atlantians, Lemurians, Hyperboreans, Pangeans, The Maya, The Khmer, The Indus, Easter Islanders, Çatalhöyük, Mississippians etcetera.
What suggestions do your Guides have for our current humans to markedly improve our chances of surviving and thriving? - Cedar
Lovely Synchronicity - I posted my question to Sterling on 17.7 then today Daryl Anka posted
What happened to the Atlantean Survivors? - Bashar :: Hidden History
- Upcoming Event 30.7.2022
What was the great Atlantean disaster, and what caused it? And what became of the survivors? How is their influence seen in modern cultures? Importantly, how can we apply the Atlantean disaster to what’s happening on Earth right now? Bashar will be revealing all of this in Hidden History: What Happened to the Atlantean Survivors. Because many places on our planet are currently replaying the same sort of experiences that happened in the later Atlantean period, those messages across time, about our own ancient history, are more relevant now than ever before. We can use this information to go in a different direction rather than repeating the cycle that took Atlantis down.