| Penny Kelly is a Pleiadian in obvious human form. In the early '70s, she had a full kundalini awakening that led her to the discovery of her starry origins and purpose for coming to Earth. She asked to be one of a team to help seed consciousness in civilisations throughout the galaxy. Penny touches on the rigorous training she had to undergo for her mission here on Earth to help humans in our awakening and transformation. |
'Shortly before John Denver lost his friend Buckminster in 1983, he released the album, Seasons Of The Heart. It contained John's Tribute to Buckminster Fuller called, 'What One Man Can Do'. John may not have realised it at the time, but the song was also about John himself.' These times call for you and me to be that person. We are making a tremendous difference to positive change. Keep striving through the darkness and pain and never give up. Throughout this decade, we will anchor the lives we dream of and visualise in detail. Although the seas may be rough at times, we are constructing the blueprint for an awakened humanity worthy of this magnificent planet. | |