Yesterday I watched Hillary and Donald in the second 'presidential' debate, and as with the first, I was appalled at the low tactics, abusive competition, and denigration of each other to score points.
They would have to be the worst role models imaginable for children and young people, and for the most powerful job in the world. As I have the gist, over and over ad infinitum, of how the dense 3D system works it's unlikely, that after a lifelong interest in politics, that I will post again on the subject.
The political arena (sic) has it's own shadow to play out, and dynamic to express in inglorious technicolour. A reset of the system is swiftly approaching and I may blog about that. We'll see.
My interests lie in the areas that I may have a little input for purposeful consideration - The Beauty Way and Living a Juicy Multidimensional Life.
Unlike the growing descent and dark shenanigans in the world of politics -
I am passionate and exhilarated by consciousness and energy, and in
co-creating beauty with our multidimensional selves, and with kindred.
War Will Cease When The People Say 'Enough', and Really Mean It
The US and the zionists are desperate for yet another war, and are doing everything in their power to provoke Russia and possibly China into a war that would end all wars, and potentially most of life on Earth. That’s what they do well as war replenishes the coffers of the swiftly diminishing assets of the big banks and corporations. The foundation of the old paradigm plays to the ‘haves’ and their need for continuance of multiple conflicts, indebtedness by their ‘inferiors and maintenance of fear and anxiety.
Clif High has a good idea. He suggests taking out the nuclear warhead from a missile and replacing it with Soros who of course has bought Hillary Clinton as his mouthpiece and activity partner. The missile could be fired off so Soros can have the war he so wants.
After the second US ’presidential’ debate which was anything but presidential I decided that the nefarious old manipulated construct had received more than enough of my time and energy. I urge you to also identify what brings you most joy and pursue that with scrupulous intent.