"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop." -- Rumi
There are growing numbers of us who resonate with Aluna Ash's information, and I’m one of them. Aluna is a beautiful advanced Soul with high-level guidance in selfless service to humanity. I urge readers to follow her energy reports for details of what is happening during this present expansion of consciousness for all of us who have said YES! to escaping the confining programmed reality.
There will be many who will reject this information, and that is their right. Allow the skeptics their views and their own realities and keep working on your own growth at this auspicious if not sometimes physically painful time. Know that it's your 3D cells undergoing massive changes as we become our 5D+ luminous light selves.
Aluna has been saying for 2 years now how there will be a mass awakening for millions from October. I experience quite profound epiphanies daily and attempt to track my changes 'before' and 'post' eclipses. My focus is on becoming more of my Higher Self and Higher Selves from a multidimensional perspective.
Have the courage to embrace change with discernment. Dare to be wild and free.