Foolish lost opportunities as they were unable to reconcile their differences while vying for the vote from citizens like me. During various periods they could have formed a coalition that would have made tremendous progress for all Australians. Too bad.
The fascist-white supremacist coalition now governing Australia is systematically dismantling much that was productive that past Labor governments instigated. Too bad for freedom of speech, culture, education, health, the environment, water, forests, farmers, ports, resources and land sovereignty.
The current global preoccupation with extreme conservatism demonstrates how many young souls lead at least 180 of the 195 countries.
Young souls are primarily attracted to leadership because of the power, rorts, accumulation of personal wealth and nepotism it offers. Corruption, sweetheart deals and profit at any cost is the result.
This hierarchal governing template belongs to the Old World.
Old and awakening souls are consciously involved in co-creating a New World concurrent with the Old. Many of us feel as though we’re living straddled between two worlds while others report dwelling mainly in the new frequencies although not being without its 3D challenges.
Ever since Twitter was a pup, I befriended and studied the policies of politicians, parliamentary procedures and the journalists and presenters that dissect and report on the running of nations. Over the years I’ve followed many thousands of such commentators.
Then during the corruption of the 2018 federal elections and the subsequent ineptitude not just of the LNP Coalition but all parties during the 2019/20 drought, fires, floods I've become disillusioned. I know there is nothing I can do or say that will have any effect on their courses of action. To this end, I've taken days running into weeks 'unfollowing' anyone commenting on politics and instead following people and groups involved in The Beauty Way, music, creativity, art, consciousness, sacred archeological sites, good parenting and grand-parenting, mentoring, philosophy, movement, dance, sport, theatre, fine dining, gardening, etc