1. The love of power over the power of love ...
2. Continue in crazy addictions to power, domination of nature, division, terrible crises ..... which seems extremely likely.
3. Humanity will manifest a vast global dark night crisis. For many it will seem to be the end - but as the dark night for the mystic is the birth canal for the embodiment for a much vaster consciousness. So this global dark night crisis will be the birth canal for a new embodied divine humanity in touch with its divine consciousness unified through great struggle and ordeal and willing at last to step out with love and compassion and create a whole new way of being and doing everything.
.... the second coming is not going to be some sort of star wars avatar I'm afraid the fundamentalists have got it hopelessly wrong - the second coming is going to be the rising of the golden yeast of love and wisdom consciousness in millions of human beings not just Christians who have been shocked by the difficulty and the agony of the world crises into claiming their divine consciousness .... build new structures, new institutions that will birth the truth on Earth and realise Jesus' dream of the Kingdom.... where we potentially could be going if millions of us allow ourselves to be inspired by the mystics .... to build a new world.
Andrew Harvey - Jesus and the Kingdom
The Gay Elders Series: Dorothy Walters and Andrew Harvey