I believe in EQUAL LOVE RELATIONSHIPS and SEXUAL RIGHTS for all consenting adults regardless of sexual preference, which I believe NO government or religion has jurisdiction over.
I believe it is political manipulation of the most grotesque kind and an abomination that Australians have to vote on this issue at all. However, as it is now a reality, I urge all voters to join me in choosing YES for #MarriageEquality. Please share.
I’d also like to see ALL taxpayer funded politicians who forced this ridiculous postal survey to be subjected to random alcohol and drug testing when on official duties. “Fascination” with ‘gay sex’ (think hypocrite J Edgar Hoover), vendettas, political one-upmanship, sweetheart deals, and clouded decision-making are the real issues here in my view.
The ABS will send the forms over a two-week period from September 12.
The survey form asks only one question. (As IF there are not more serious survey questions that could also be asked to help justify the expense.)
"Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?"
My unequivocal answer is: YES
This hugely expensive and degrading postal survey which is costing taxpayers in excess of $122 million is spearheaded by arch-rival of anyone (who is not him) in the highest position of power in Australia. Tony Abbott - a once trainee Catholic priest with rigid views on sexuality appears to have a severe alcohol problem, yet millions still follow his pitiful lead.
‘’Former prime minister Tony Abbott spent more than $7,000 of tax payer's money on beer and wine over a two month period. Bottle-shop receipts show the office of the then-Prime Minister, led by chief of staff Peta Credlin, spent a total of $7,340 over about eight weeks from February to April last year. One receipt exceeded $1,800. Others hit $1,700 and the $1,100 mark.’
I believe there is a case for having politicians randomly breathalysed and drug tested when working in their offical capacity.
I created a twitter meme #MakeAustraliaKindAgain - The largely hard right, largely fundamentalist ‘Christian’ MP’s driving this hateful and disruptive opposition to marriage equality has a toxic agenda. They are quick to send our beautiful non-heterosexual young people to war - witness John Howard war criminal who laughingly started the Iraq war with Bush and Blair - the true axis of evil - has come back to bat for the NO campaign. Check your state on the link below.
The ‘NO’ MPs they are the ones who oppose humanitarian issues such as assisting war and climate refugees, and pretty much anything progressive, educational, cultural and loving. Their insidious agenda is to promote long-term fear and hatred countrywide. Beyond religion and ego we have to ask WHY?
Oz journalists focus on those who promote fear and hatred ~ IDEA! Catch those doing good and write about that.
I have it on good authority that a corruption scandal is soon to blow amongst Oz politicians - I suspect the lies being hidden are partly the reason for the ‘smoke screen’ to avert attention. We’ll see.