Readers with Facebook accounts will find a most helpful thread on my timeline with contributors responding to my request for suggestions to strengthen our immune systems. Many offered ideas that I would never have thought of and some posted their own and others' videos giving their ideas and solutions. I was inspired by Kryon's comment to look to the overreacting immune system rather than the virus for the solution. Taking responsibility for our own wellbeing came of my experiences in self-reliance and my intense interest in personal, community and global health and wholistic wellbeing and how to use alternatives to the official control by big pharma. | "Most have robust immune systems but those who don't - have an immune system that OVERREACTS to the virus. #COVID19 What is killing human beings today is their own immune system - not the virus. The overreacting immune system is what kills. Concentrate not on the virus but on the immune system." Kryon |
Also high on their lists are the importance of de-stressing, sunshine, ancestral work, humour and laughter, quality rest and sleep, proper hydration, being selective about what to watch on TV, quality book titles by a variety of exceptional healers, homeopathics, getting in shape, nasal rinsing, meditation, ozone therapy, colour therapy, energy healing, positive mental attitude, asking for assistance from Archangel Raphael, turning away from fear porn, awakening the kundalini, aromatherapy, prayer, Nature and fresh air, breath-work, spiritual practice, sound healing and resonate vibrations, good hygiene, self-love and care, salt baths or floating, infrared sauna, cold showers, love, compassion, open heart, forgiveness, non-attachment, positive, optimistic attitude, faith, intermittent or juice or water fasting, keeping a schedule, learning new things, and much more.
I encourage everyone to make the most of this retreat time apropos assessing our lives, reinventing ourselves, dynamics with family and friends, careers, creativity, finances and alternative means of exchange, going forward with gusto, and determining our highest visions for our future and the future of our loved ones and community.
How to be in the world but not succumb to old dysfunctional systems? Beware of new laws quietly being slipped into place: EG: the airport security systems established after the 9:11 attacks on the World Trade Centre are STILL in place. Surprisingly, yet not, more than 4 million Australians have downloaded a rushed surveillance device called 'COVIDSafe App' that I find very troubling. Authorities have also been given sweeping powers and ability to fine citizens travelling more than 50 kilometres from home and similar non-sensicals.
The western two-party system is broken and almost totally ineffective. I see very different forms of governance in the future, and I no longer give my own country's 'leadership' any energy. When somebody shows me who they are - I believe them. Disappointed by the lies and bribes that won Morrison the election and his ineptitude and callowness during the horrendous fires that began in August 2019 and lasted over six months to March 2020 I turned from a lifetime of interest in politics in favour of putting my energies where I know I can have some genuine effect. The financial incompetence and cruelty of the coalition knows no bounds - spending $225 billion on ridiculous submarines and untold billions incarcerating innocent asylum seekers are just two examples of this.
While some families who lost their homes found houses to rent many others are STILL living in tents in May. Mental health issues are taking a dreadful toll on victims. My ally is the mute button as I haven't heard a word spoken by Morrison since February (he'll never be my Prime Minister) and my stress levels have markedly lessened. It was so easy to say NO MORE! It took no courage - only determination to overcome my habit and to turn to other interests.
Please be savvy in your choices regarding whose words and work you follow. As a clairsentient empath, I can easily read people's energies, hear their thoughts and know when they're lying, purely self-serving or manipulating. We all have so-called 'paranormal' abilities - often yet to be developed - that are perfectly normal among New Earthers. As time is at a premium, I quickly decide whether to engage or move away without fanfare. Those who haven't done their inner work are displaying their unresolved wounding and negative shadow aspects for all to see on the internet during this lockup. Tragically this includes many in powerful leadership positions.
We are all making important choices daily: Self-empowerment. Spirituality. Which friendships to retain and why? What to create or invent now and why? What to say and do and why? New options and decisions to make and why? Old Earth or New Earth, and why?
These are the kinds of choices those who are co-creating the New Earth are making.
| 'You have severed your connection with Spirit. You must reconnect soon or else everything will come crashing down.' - Amazonian Shamans It's time to recognise the right of adult sovereignty over consciousness. - Graham Hancock. |
Think on these things
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States (2018 figures), including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. Approx 1,400 deaths every day.
Alcohol-related deaths account for an estimated 88,0005 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.
The first is tobacco, and the second is poor diet and physical inactivity