wiki says: The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between: Knowledge, freedom, adversity and the brutal truth of reality (red pill); Falsehood, security, happiness and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill).
Certainly the more I become aware, the more I’m in awe of the infinite extent of knowledge and wisdom available for anyone to pursue if, and when, interested. Why have interest in anyone else ‘waking up’? It’s their life and journey to do with as they wish and their are millions of Earth experiences. For too long the self-righteous ones ‘in the know’ have imposed their reality to suit their own agendas.
I do see 2018 as the year when those who choose New Earth consciousness and living and all that it entails become more obvious.
IF I feel the need to differentiate I prefer term ‘normies’ for those who accept the normal or consensus, conditioned reality - i.e. the average joe or jill.