Sensitives have been feeling this Event coming closer by the day. Many of us have decluttered our lives of material possessions, errant beliefs, and the pull of unreliable family and friends. We understand we'll need all our available strength to navigate our way through any fears and to help others whose lives may be rocked as they witness the light of Truth.
Emanuelle McIntosh kindly shares a channelling by Yeshua free of charge to help alert you to the possibility of it occurring soon. As always, discernment and rereading are necessary to absorb the content thoroughly. IF this Event does eventuate, please know your common sense, preparation, kindness, courage, and maturity will be essential to help maintain the balance until the glorious outcome occurs.
'Human Will versus God’s Will: showing left, an illusionary world being created from INSIDE the Matrix of the programmed mind, by some of the awakened. And right, the path that seems unknown, yet leads to people exiting the 3d and 4d programmed mind into a higher perceptional reality of higher consciousness.' - Amanda Lorence |
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