Yesterday, I rang the hospital in question with my Queensland cardiologist's details so they could get my file of records from him. I'm just off the phone with the lovely and accommodating receptionist, and the excellent news is that I have approximately ONE YEAR'S more life in my pacemaker's battery. They and I did some massive sleuthing, and the outcome confirms what the technicians' at Royal Adelaide Hospital told me in September.
Whether my fear after an intense cardiac episode last week and/or the discrepancy between the earlier 'six months' figure and the 'over a years figure' was either my error or a mix up in Queensland, I'll never know. It doesn't matter now.
The positive result is that I'm ecstatic as it's confirmed that I have battery life until the end of 2022. By that time, I feel the requirements for inoculations and mandates will be rescinded. More politicians and others who instigated these draconian regulations may have left office, or some other solution will have been applied. The head health politician in the land has already resigned after decades in office.
Now I'd love to sleep for a week, empty out, and take as much time as necessary to go within to discover the higher purposes for all this agonising kerfuffle, turmoil and sleeplessness. That's IF I can, as I've been predicting this December will be a doosie where we will all need to exercise courage, common sense and restraint.
Miracles happen, so let's turn any challenges around and have a glorious December filled with love, creativity, conviviality and exceptional solutions to any and all problems.
Leave no stone unturned ❤
Blessings and Much Love and Gratitude,
Cedar Rivers