Everyone knows there's something MAJOR in the air, and I feel I have a reasonable handle on possibilities of what may occur as consequences. This is why I worked to get session one out this July - come September, many here will know beyond a shadow of doubt how consciousness has both evolved and devolved exponentially. We are participating in a remarkable transformation of humanity IF we pitch in and have a go. It's up to US now. No-one is coming to 'save' us.
I’ve done a great deal of research on Dr Simon Atkins' approach. He is the Chief Executive Officer at the Advanced Forecasting Cooperation. If you want the very big picture of how it’s all put together, this man is well worth a listen. Recently on a radio interview he gave this rather long affirmation.
I see a world where I intend that I am happy and glad to be alive. I have friends of plenty and have found my highest calling in life. I enjoy my work and it helps many. I am healthy and abundant in every way imaginable. I am strong of heart yet kind and tolerant of others. I am loved by all I meet and loving to all I meet. I know that I am perfect just as I am. I am balanced and bold in the face of my fears. I am free to live my life as I choose. I am caring for the earth and all her beautiful creations and she is caring for me in return. I have a place inside where I can go to find comfort where all around me is swirling around. I feel my oneness with God. I know who I truly am. I am blessed beyond measure. I have peace now and for always. I AM SERENE. Eagle fly high.
Yesterday I was immersed in research on Swedenborg and recommend you having a peep at his work at some stage.