It’s impossible to find the perfect time for publishing such horror and evil and my timing is often ‘way out'. However, I wouldn't be surprised if word of it is announced before The Presidential election on November 3. Anything is possible. People will be horrified - as they were when they discovered from 1945 onwards what took place in the Nazi concentration camps - some will go insane - some will suicide under the weight of it all. We must prepare ourselves to live with this for the rest of our lives in some form or other.
We’re called to be beacons of common sense, stability, comfort and solutions. I know some readers are already gently guiding tortured souls to The Afterlife. There’s such confusion among the souls as this has been going on since the beginning of time and millions reincarnate into the cycle of abuse.
I'm extremely discerning and will NEVER post details or graphic photos of the evil - however, Elizabeth April discusses the issues with grace and sensitivity in this video.
Please envision a world where everyone is free and happy and be sure to take sacred time daily to replenish and connect with this and other versions of yourself. I enjoy time in Nature every day including watching every sunset which is my favourite time of day.
Food Security - Quadruple the Size of Your Gardens
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