How are you and your buddy dealing with the rapid acceleration my friends? I do hope you are surfing the changes with great clarity and positivity. We are well on the way with our personal and planetary transformation and incorporating the new energies into our gridwork which is resulting in great modification to our belief systems and in our lives.
Some days I feel I’ve just settled into a brand new perspective and path, and then that too becomes quickly obsolete and I need to research for new and up-to-date clarity and have a willingness to just let the old go. In some cases you might feel you need to be quite ruthless in your decision making. Be as conscious and as kind as humanly possible when making changes. Many around us have a great fear of restructuring. Many will resist change of any sort and we can only hold them in love and respect for their choices.
We can expect an even greater speed of restructuring in these next two to three months. Events are being played out on the world stage that are obvious to see, with challenges for millions set to increase in the near term. This is why I have chosen Module #2 to address the issues of preparedness at every level. It will get more difficult for many before it gets better and if we are strong in ourselves and prepared well we can enjoy this stage to the fullest.
As you work through the exercises, I urge participants to prioritise, and not get too caught up with the personality issues and belief systems of others. Please use your mindfulness techniques and daily practices learnt in Module #1 to go within to stay balanced, and to determine your own views by tuning into your inner guidance. Trust that.
Greater deadly force will be used on the world stage of conflict and war and in some cases previous allies will become enemies and vice versa, and at times some factions will have no idea who the real ‘enemy’ is - yet the fighting will continue. This will increase the refugee diaspora that is only just beginning. Greater numbers will be on the move due to new wars, droughts, floods, cold, toxicity and disrupted growing seasons resulting in loss of food crops. Added to this we will see continuing fluctuations in the global economy, and it’s only a matter of time before huge losses and demands will further affect governments, banks, corporations and the entire way of doing business including that of running our personal financial lives.
In my view it is important to be well prepared in all areas as a precaution for peace of mind and safety for yourself and kindred.
I will continue to place up-to-date information on my blog at so please keep your eye on it for additions to the current exercises in Modules 1 and 2. Also, check the Archives in the right hand column from time to time as I’m posting a lot in an attempt to keep a broad yet useful overview.
I hope you’ll join us with Module 2 and if you are accessing this information for the first time - please ensure you complete Module 1 first as it lays a very important foundation for all the information and work to come.
If you are a procrastinator - consider putting that aside and sign up now.
Please copy and paste to share this message with your friends and networks.
With Great Clarity and Much Love,
Take Care Everyone,
Cedar Rivers