... LIFE FORCE can also be described as the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, or the Cosmic Vibration of God/Source/Creator/the Absolute. It is the ENERGY emitted from the Absolute when IT initially created of ItSelf, outside of ItSelf, as infinite reflections.
... The Brain has finished balancing both left and right hemispheres, via those brain vibrations and upgrade to far more active circuitry within the brain (yet there is ALWAYS MORE to open and activate within the brain).
A balanced brain state equals balance, BEFORE the thoughts. Therefore thoughts are balanced. Balanced emotions. Balanced words. Balanced actions. In a DOMINANT state of Peace and Grace.
We then have the ability (it happens to you) to merge that balanced state with the LIFE FORCE.
Which in turn begins to balance the WATERS of our physical body.
Which in turn brings healing to the physical cells in our body.
Which in turn brings physical health. .....