How are you travelling in these hard times as parts of the outer world descend into more and more turmoil? Ascending ones do well to stay focused on the inner world journey of rising in Self and galactic awareness. Challenges will continue as we progress through this season to the December Solstice. We've got this! Please support each other as the distortions become even more apparent. Keep opening your heart and mind further and further and send love to yourself and into the world.
As I gift and release a lifetime of belongings save the bare minimum, I'm turning things over with much love and gratitude. I'm giving many thanks for the furniture, clothes, books, kitchen items and trinkets that supported my daily existence to date. They're now finding new homes, and my energy goes with them.
An interesting byproduct of simplifying and becoming an extreme minimalist is that as I lighten up, I find attachments in my personality are also revealed for release. As I cremated documents and photos that belonged to my old personality self I coincidentally permitted more of my Soul Self to emerge.
I love scarves! I've been through my scarf collection dozens of times with still more culling to come. The minimalist movement has some terrific websites for how to declutter. There's one called Project 333 that is the minimalist fashion challenge that invites you to dress with 33 items or less for 3 months. I've taken many further steps by simplifying all of my belongings.
Initially, I began this to facilitate a return to my nomadic lifestyle to make my contribution as I wander starting in December. Now I find that as I surrender into the arms of the Universe in absolute trust the lighter I am, the better it is to be truly unencumbered and free.
Find mentors in people you admire and trust and allow them to inspire and guide you online and in life. Please don't be seduced by those with a low frequency whose antics are reported on a continuous loop on the 'news' and social media.
Follow your inner guidance and stay in love, joy and neutrality by midwifing more of your Soul Self to replace your personality self. This is the way to zero point and Unity Consciousness. It is the ones of high frequency who will be able to match and meet our star brothers and sisters in the coming times.
I heartily recommend the work of
Lee Carroll and Kryon Official Website Kryon on YouTube
Sadhguru on YouTube and all social media
Amanda Lorence on Facebook