I'm witnessing massive shifts in friendships and relationships, and it's certainly true in my life. 'Old Earth' associations were brought together by chemistry, similar interests, possibly now outmoded vows, necessity, arrangement, locality, workplace colleagues, etc. Many of these have outgrown their viability because it's necessary for us to be in Absolute Truth.
The foundations of friendship and relationships of the 'New Earth' are harmonics, alchemy, frequency, energy, vibration and resonance. The Quantum Field is a magical mystery reality of bliss and pure heart connectedness.
Taking Back Your Power
One crucial question is how to navigate our relationships with others with integrity and kindness when the spark has gone out due to not being of like-frequency? If it feels like you're on a different timeline - you probably are.
You've done intense inner work to overcome their triggers, processed with therapists and friends, raged, ranted, confronted, explained, prayed, cried, meditated and mediated and used every tool in your kitbag of life skills.
You must work to find peaceful resolve and sovereignty IF there are some negatives in your milieu or at a distance or on The Other Side who still consume your valuable mind space. You may need to go against the grain by being seemingly ruthless and prepare for grieving those you're releasing from your life. In some cases, it may feel like actual death.
Those who trigger us can take up far too much of our precious time and energy. As a super-sensitive, I have identified the low-frequency characteristics in others that I choose not to be around or give any more time to. They are the committed narcissists, energy vampires, victims, addicts, racists, misogynists, homophobes, religious and political fundamentalists, gossips, bullies, fair-weather friends, the avaricious, greedy, stubborn, mean, lazy, complacent, disrespectful ones and The Evils - you get the gist.
I feel sure you could identify your list of non-resonant people too if you wish.
The High Frequency Resonance Lounge - (aka The Lift Your Game Lounge)
What to do with recurring thoughts and unwanted visitors that play over and over in your mind without resolution?
I urge you to construct a new and unique method that works for you.
I did just that. Knowing that the Imaginal Realm is more real than present 3D Earth - one day I playfully created a Resonance Lounge for those who I had fallen out of favour with and vice versa. I refuse to dumb myself down so I filled a huge space for them with every imaginable high vibrational feature a visitor could possibly want - domestic and wild animals and birds, waterfalls and swimming holes, forests, flowers and rivers to enjoy. I included an eternally stocked art studio sophisticated music centre, a he-shed and a she-shed and a never-ending supply of items with which to create.
Self Knowledge, Self Responsibility, Loving Myself and Sovereignty
The fantastic thing is that it works!! After I've processed to the very best of my ability and left no stone unturned, anytime a destructive character enters my mind stage right or left uninvited I gently but firmly send them to The Lounge. I immediately nip them in the bud. I close beautiful golden drapes between The Lounge and myself then erase them or it by choosing a life-affirming thought or activity.
The fascinating thing is that so many intruders become bored with the game because I refuse to pick up the ball they've thrown at me. The high resonance of beauty sends the addicts away, looking for a fix while others sit and enjoy creating new things or appreciating the silence of observing the beauty of the natural world.
While I appreciate their role in my story I pay little heed to them now as I'm far too excited and busy doing everything I can to help co-create a glorious new future for myself and others.
Your feedback and comments are always welcome at the comments feature below.
Fully conscious living is the key.
- Cedar