I've thought long and hard about the growing ugly bigotry among many of our politicians and far right ultra conservative antagonists in our nation. 'Senator' Fraser Anning is one such person as you can read in his bio on wiki - Fraser's family's racist background 'Annings forcibly took control of the land from the local people' ... capture young boys who survived in order to use them as labour Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson, the organisers of the far-right rally in Melbourne recently, are both convicted criminals and self-confessed neo-nazis. Taxpayers will fund Senator Anning's expenses to travel to this rally. Thugs holding these hate-filled views THRIVE on attention, brutality, argument and engendering fear. Australian politicians and police will have a huge job maintaining peace this year more-so as sadly there are many far-right extremists in their own ranks. Reasoned responses, intellectual analysis, appealing for fair play and even bullying won't help. Loathing and fear of difference and belief that their white skin is superior is embedded in the very cells of their bodies and minds that are slammed shut. Make your statements and expose their histories then refuse to keep responding to vile antagonists in 2019. It's far too easy to react in kind. Instead, meet their offensive utterances with SILENCE. Refuse to fuel their evil. I would like to see politicians doing the same. Instead of becoming outraged at misogynistic, racist, homophobic, sexist utterances by certain of their colleagues - just state your case with facts or remain SILENT during their right of reply or turn their backs or better still use that time to promote their best projects and programs. | Seeking solutions - what are your practical ideas. I believe education, boot camp and participating in worthwhile community projects might soften some edges before these awful gangs grow in numbers. Nipping these attitudes in the bud will take enormous wisdom and immediate sensible action. WE HAVE TO FIND NEW WAYS TO RESPOND TO OLD PROBLEMS |
VERY HAPPY. Extra special thanks to #Kempsey, #Macksville and #NambuccaHeads Police for the thorough and considerate manner in which they handled this case. I had telephone conversations with three police officers and each one was thoroughly professional and kind. I'm impressed.
I was in SHOCK at the empty space where my car is usually parked on private property. Disbelief. People have already made their choice between the HIGH ROAD or the LOW ROAD and I'm going as high as I possibly can and will never give in to the low roadsters. I'll be a more vigilant neighbour and do whatever I can to send these thieves to boot camp rehabilitation.
It's been a LONG day. Great appreciation to all involved and to my friends for their loving support.
I have a suggestion for THIEVES everywhere - GROW A HEART and SOME COMPASSION.
I got inside the dank mind of the thief today and it's awful. There is no conscience - zero regard for others' property, feelings or consequences - instead - a feeling of smugness, avariciousness and entitlement!
However, I also uncovered the real agenda behind why so many awakening ones are experiencing challenge after challenge after challenge after challenge - we will NEVER give in to the ghouls and monsters - I got through the day because of great friends, great policing and a kitbag full of personal skills. Caring and supporting each other will get us through anything.
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