I've been so very concerned for the millions in China who are horrendously affected by over fifty days of rain. Could it be due to the past disrespect for the land and its people? The problems are escalating by the hour.
I feel the answers to so many problems lie in Sal's message to "Deepen in Nature", and mine to "Honour Mother Earth and She will give you Paradise".
Some would do well to stop whining and start detaching from dysfunctional ways that don't serve anyone. We urgently need to spend time with the wise ones rather than fools if we are to grow in consciousness, compassion and wisdom. In this way, our governments will come to reflect us, and we will avert the growing catastrophes.
Congratulations to everyone who is working so hard to reset outmoded belief systems that transform both ourselves and the ocean of awareness that affects us all. Keep up the great work. Elevate your thoughts, words and behaviour. It matters more than we can ever know.