When clarifying a decision, craft your clear statement then explore all the possible consequences of your choice by asking And Then? 3 times.
I do my best to go to 7 And Thens?
Example 1. MISMANAGEMENT OF RIVERS AND WATER SUPPLIES Australian political leadership of all parties ignored the water and soil crises of country food production regions
1. And then? The heartbreak, suffering and $$ loss of losing their animals, crops and livelihoods
2. And then? Businesses and schools in towns close
3. And then? Suicides, mental health issues create overwhelming demands on health resources
4. And then? Climate refugees as farms and towns and money to truck water dry up.
5. And then? Zero government plans for infrastructure to relocate and house climate refugees
6 And then? Fractured families, some domestic violence, welfare programs, jobs in short supply
7. And then? Your ideas go here ....
Example 2. IMPEACH TRUMP 1. And then? ..... 2. And then? .... 3. And then?
I'll leave it to you to think through, research, visualise or remote view. Trump has sown the seeds for a Civil War, and armed militias are taking it seriously.
Australia's examples of political coups prove that overthrowing an elected leader makes it virtually impossible for the new leader to govern due to increased resentment and hostility; relentless opposition; the skewed balance of power making it difficult to pass laws
My research indicates there could be a global economic catastrophe beginning somewhere between October 2019 and February 2020 that will make 2008 seem like a walk in the park. World debt is an unknown though I've seen a guesstimate of between 3 and 4 quadrillion dollars. A quadrillion is a thousand trillion. So here's $3,000,000,000,000,000. Whether you are in debt or not: What would be the immediate effect on you and your family? And then? Your community. And then? Banks. And then? The stock market? And then? Cost of living And then? Jobs And then?
Example 4. Your Subject Here -
My three examples are pretty grim so I suggest you go for a really uplifting one.
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