We have all been through so much, and we can be sure there's more to come as the wrecking ball is in motion - but so is the GodSource within us. There's nothing more important than to unravel from the false matrix/reality and become free of those outside influences. I've been working on this for decades and imagine I will for the rest of my life - it's worth it - I'm becoming lighter and freer. |
My response to those who have been triggered my choice of the word 'reflection'. I urge you to 'enquire' rather than 'assume' - now there's a good meme for a tee shirt 🙂 My short answer is wrapped up in my belief that the world will change for the better when we do our inner growth - ie: looking within and fixing that.
No one of integrity and goodwill would condone evil and corruption. I recognise the fractal of GodSource and how that Divinity blesses me - and I recognise the fractal of 'humanness' within - and the fractals of my galactic origins. Individuals make their own holographic/bubble of reality on a scale of hellishness to blissfulness according to their attitudes, beliefs, level of healing from negative conditioning etc.
Australia is an excellent example of two extremes in our last two leaders. The former lacked the necessary skills, empathy, wisdom and integrity to lead - nevertheless, whether by political naivety, media bias, donations from billionaires or underhanded corruption - voters chose him for a disastrous second term. And now, the current PM 'may' become a global role model for leadership that is decent, intelligent, honest and fair given half the chance.
Currently, Britain is another example of 'Is That The Best They Can Do?' as they struggle to find a suitable leader. All these shenanigans from the once 'Great British Empire'.
Despotic leaders have strayed so far from our Sacred Divine Template that the leaders of at least five countries seem hellbent on taking us into a nuclear war.
Suppose enough of us look in the mirror to resolve the darkness within and act on solutions rather than pointing fingers. Honestly, what 'good' does a barrage of criticism do? Instead, we could flood the darkness with Love. We 'might' then create the tipping point for a glorious consensus reality for humans on Earth - which I feel sure was the original sacred intention of this grand experience of life on Earth.