These are the very people and war-mongers that created the Old World. Now in 2021, we are witnessing their implosion due to their avariciousness, elitism, violence, misogyny, cruelty, debauchery, theft, ineptitude and corruption.
The good people of the world have the numbers to succeed, but not if we focus on the old world rather than the new. If individuals work on themselves rigorously to rise in consciousness, empower themselves and join together to co-create a New World, we will be victorious.
We are right on the tipping point. The outcome is not written. You and I are writing it with every thought and action.
Penny Kelly, myself, and clearly some of you are working day and night to give life to fine details the new blueprints, codes and templates required.
One thing is for sure, we must be as fit as humanly possible to pull this off, and Penny gives detailed information in her book 'Getting Well Again: Introduction to New Version and Why We Need Vitamins and Minerals' available from Amazon and in PDF form on her website 'consciousnessandfire'
Infinite gratitude to the Co-Creators. Please take care of yourselves, as many of us are targeted. Protect yourselves and stay strong in your endeavours and clear-sighted in your vision. There's such reward in the doing and even more in the outcomes.