It bears repeating that I've been encouraging the importance of ensuring full pantries, improving the soil, saving seeds, planting food trees, expanding our veggie gardens and having access to clean water, and considering buying silver for decades ... with greater emphasis over these past two years.
Those without the funds to fill their pantries for enough food for all people and pets in your household for at least a month are urged to get a referral to a local food bank so you can add to your prepared stocks. It is time for some to spend less time on their devices and more time in planning, preparation and action. You are your own saviour.
Sadly, even more catastrophic times are rollicking swiftly towards us and soon to get Mad Max challenging in many places. Think current Venezuela and Kazakhstan ... coming to your neighbourhood????
These events are demanding the very best of us all.
- The lifestyle changes that covid has brought
- the debilitating effects of extreme weather
- supply and transport issues
- supermarket shelves emptying
- prices soaring, inaccessibility of essential parts
- hunger, poverty and homelessness
- effects of restricted travel, distance from loved ones
- training ourselves as teachers for our children and young people
- jobs decreasing, careers and businesses dissolving
- mental and physical health issues increasing, media talking up fear
- responses to betrayals, lies, corruption by self-serving leaders
- corrupt governments beginning to fall
- threats of war and actual war, domestic violence
- revelations of horrendous crimes yet to be made public
Peaceful Global Revolution
We must learn from the events in places such as Venezuela and Kazakhstan and embody more of our Souls and act more from our Whole Selves to be guided to the best ways to navigate this collapsing civilisation and co-creation and rising of the new.
Enlightened people such as Penny Kelly and clif high are breaking down in tears for what they see coming and the future suffering of billions which is partly why they are working day and night to educate willing people to take decisive and clever action NOW.
If you want to know more of what's really going on beyond all the commotion, I urge you to listen to the hour-long discussion between clif high and Bix Weir by clicking here
Amjad Abedi on Twitter
"Keep your line. Do not give in to blackmail. Raise your consciousness as an objection to the murderous laws. The last bastions are falling. In this divine game they have lost. It cannot last. Hence their anger. Keep your calm. Stay in the unified field. A little more patience."
"This is the end of wandering. The end of exile. Access royalty now. Enter into the kingdom of the city of peace. The promised land. The divine province. You already carry it in you. Integrate your presence in your flesh. Your omnipotence. The power of freedom. The power of Love."